If you haven’t signed up, what’s holding you back? It can’t be the cost, last week I explained how much it will cost you to live with bad credit. It’s a great amount more than the cost to fix your credit.
It can’t be that you don’t believe you have bad credit. Did you know that 79% of credit reports have false information on them? This can be caused by Identity Theft, or just the credit bureaus putting false information on there…it happens all the time.
Hmmm, maybe it’s because you don’t feel that you have the time for credit repair. Well, I couldn’t agree with you more, I don’t know very many people that do have the time to repair their credit. That’s the best part about our program, it doesn’t take any time. All you have to do is pick the items you want disputed and their off to the races. When you receive your letters back from the bureaus you just send them into your team of paralegals and presto! That’s it. If the process needs to be started over again, they do it for you. It’s really that simple!
You know what I think it is. I think that you’re saying to yourself, “Self, I know that everyone says you can repair your credit, but my credit is way too bad to fix…” I want to give you some statistics that may change your mind. Keep in mind that these numbers are only from October 2007 – December 2007!
So if you think that it’s impossible to get the things removed off of “YOUR” credit, you’re wrong. This list just shows you that it doesn’t matter what your credit has on it. IT CAN BE REMOVED!
So sign up today to get your credit on the right track towards financing success. Here’s how.
1. Go to www.CreditandFinancialWellness.com and click on Credit Repair.
2. Read through the brief information on Lexington Law, our approved and reputable Credit Repair Company that has attorney’s fighting for your credit.
3. Click on the “Sign Up” button, enter in the Lexington ID Code #10608 and fill out your information.
That’s it! From there just sit back and watch the items fall off, it’s a blast to see!
Dedicated to your Financing Success!
Kenton Becker
Managing Partner / Lakemont Mortgage Specialist
License # 510-LO-36929