The first question I get when I suggest my Credit Repair Program to people is, “How much is it going to cost me?”
My response is simple… “A lot less than if you decided NOT to fix your credit.”
Do you know what your credit is costing you? Most people don’t realize just how important and influential their credit report is. Your monthly payments for most of your bills are a direct result of your credit scores.
The following chart is based of a home mortgage of $150,000 over a 30 year fixed period. Let’s analyze the following chart…
This chart clearly demonstrates that poor credit can cost you almost $150,000 over a 30 year period of time, or even worse $400.00 per month!!! Repairing your credit to save money each month on your mortgage, vehicles, insurance, and other monthly payments is extremely crucial to your financial success.
Let’s take another more basic example…Say you buy a car and you take out a loan for $15,000 with a 60 month term. Follow me to the chart below…
You will see on the previous chart that you will save over $3,500.00 if you have good credit instead of bad credit. Even if you get your credit up to “average” you will save $1,300.00…Amazing!
With the following 3 easy steps, that cost you A LOT less than $150,000 and for that matter even less than $59.83 per month, you will see your credit improve dramatically…
1. Go to and click on Credit Repair.
2. Read through the brief information on Lexington Law, our approved and reputable Credit Repair Company that has attorney’s fighting for your credit.
3. Click on the “Sign Up” button, enter in the Lexington ID Code and fill out your information.
Congratulations! You are now on the fast track to improving your credit.
If you have any questions please let me know. I will be more than happy to help.
Dedicated to Your Financial Success,
Kenton Becker
Managing Partner / Lakemont Mortgage Specialist
License # 510-LO-36929
P.P.S. Did you know that 79% of Credit Reports contain errors? That means about 8 out of every 10 people I sent this email to have errors on their credit report. Think it could be you? You aren’t spending money; you are saving money by signing up today!
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