Thursday, February 14, 2008

Top 10 Things to Love about Home Ownership

So for most of us Valentine’s Day is a day that we can reflect on all the things that we love or are thankful for in our lives. For me that would be my wife, my dogs, and my home. But for some of you…probably more than I can even imagine…the home would not be on the list.

So here’s one way to see if you truly love your home. I have put together a top 10 things you love about your home list. I would say that if you can’t say yes to at least 7 out of the 10 things…we need to talk.

10 Things That You Will Love About Home Ownership

10) Back Yard – Now for some of you the idea of a yard is not a good thing. 1 word, condo. But for the rest of us, it is a place to relax and let the kids (dogs) unwind!

9) Garage – no more defrosting the windows on the cold winter mornings.

8) Neighbors – dang noisy neighbors, you won’t be able to hear them anymore.

7) Personal Touch – you can make all the changes you want to the home. You can finally hang pictures! (Everyone who lives in an apartment knows what I'm talking about).

6) Tax Advantages – talk to your tax advisor, they can deduct the interest from the mortgage.

5) Space - a home will provide more room for you to live.

4) Landlords – don’t have to deal with the landlords anymore…enough said.

3) Appreciation – our market is still increasing at 7% per year! What, you mean the news lied to you…no, never!

2) Fixed Payment – talked about this last week, if you missed it shame on you…just joking, just look at last weeks blog.

1) Finally a place that you can say is YOURS!

I’m sure everyone just got the warm and fuzzes when they read through the list, I know that I did. Maybe you’re saying “that would be nice to have all those things” to which my response would be…”WHY CANT YOU HAVE THEM”? I would bet that most of you haven’t even looked into your options yet to see if you can get into a home. Its easier than you think, that’s why I’m here, to make it easy on you.

But for the rest of you that have tried and failed (for lack of a better term) there’s still hope for you (that sounds so negative, I’m sorry). Seriously, that’s what I do, that’s what Empire Options was created for., to help families that are turned down for financing to get into a home. Pretty simple mission statement huh?

I want to help you make 2008 be the best year of your life. Please, give me a call and we can look into your options and help provide your family with the “Pride of Ownership” that you have been dreaming of, what are you waiting for?

Dedicated to your financial success,

Kenton Becker
Managing Partner / Lakemont Mortgage Specialist
License # 510-LO-36929

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